Creator, inventor and slightly insane
Laser cutter

After seeing alot of cool laser cut projects on the internet I felt like I needed one.
There was some cheep chinese laser cutters out there but getting it shipped to Sweden seemed like a hassle to get through costoms and buying a new one from a swedish or european supplier was very expensive even for a small one.
So as usual I decided to build it myself.
Did some research and found that there where several diffrent systems/functions required.
Laser tube with laser cutting controller, stepper motors with cnc controller, water cooling system, air coolling system and ventilation system.
It was only the laser system I felt uncertain about since I had never worked with it before, but since there was several other people who had made laser cutters themself I figured that I should be able do it aswell.
So i started my design in 3D CAD. Aimed for a cut area of 1000mm x 1000mm but ended up with around 960 x 1140.
The frame of the laser cutter was made with aluminum extrusion profiles, the cnc functions was made of linear rails/bearing and toothed timing belts driven by stepper motors.
The cover was made with steel sheets to contain the smoke and i had the ventilation system suck air/smoke out of the bottom.
The aluminum frame was then mounted on a steel frame to get it at a workable hight and give some weight to the whole thing. Then the bottom steel frame ended up as a storage area.
Some example cuts

Pictures from the building process.